Hackers tactics.

Hi folks welcome once again,
In my last blog I shared the information about terminologies used in hacking.
In this blog I am going to tell you about the 10 tactics of the hackers which they use to fool you or you as a hacker can do.

So right now I am going to tell you about 10 tactics which are commonly used by the "HACKERS" to fool you.

1. Keylogger: It is a type of surveillance spyware for the hackers. Hackers use this technique to steal data and important login credentials from the victim without his/her information. The hackers steal the type of data are social website login passwords, bank account passwords, etc.
The hacker receives all the keystrokes of the victim through email.

2. DDOS attack: A Distributed Denial Of Service(DDOS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. Those attacks often employ botnets also called zombie computes, which are systems that are taken over, sometimes unknowingly , by a  hacker.

3. Waterhole attacks: Hackers will take advantage of the fact that their targeted victims often meet or work at a particular physical or virtual location. So they "poison" that location to achieve malicious objectives. If company have a local coffee shop that is popular with company employees. Hackers will create fake WAP's (WIFI Access Point) or maliciously modify a frequently visited website to do the same.

4. Fake WAP: Using software and wireless network card hackers can set up a fake WAP(wireless access point) which connects to the official public place WAP. Hackers can sniff unprotected data that transferred between the victims and their remote host, passwords too. Some will ask you to make a new account to use their WAP. Then they will use the same log-on on popular websites.

5.Eavesdropping (Passive Attacks): With a passive attack, computer systems and networks are monitored in order for a hacker to gain some information. The point isn't to cause damage to the computer, but to harvest information as its transmitted. It is also known as sniffing or snooping.

6. Phishing: Hacker sends an electronic message to an unsuspecting user under the impression that the message is from a trusted institution. The user is fooled into giving his information, that might also include a username, passwords, social security number and bank account information.

7. Viruses (Active attacks): Active attacks, such as viruses and trojans, are techniques where a hacker manipulates or deletes data to create the desired result. Trojan is simply a computer program that fools the user into thinking another kind of program and once installed, releases a malicious code.

8.Click-jacking: Click-jacking, also called a UI Redress Attack, is when a hacker uses several solid layer to fool a user into clicking the top layer without them releasing. So this attacker is "hijacking" clicks that aren't meant for the exact page, but for a page where the attacker wants you to be.

9.Cookie Theft: When a hacker steals our cookies they become authenticated to our websites as if they were us and had supplied a valid log-on name and password firefox browser add-on "firesheep" allows people to steal unprotected cookies from others. When used with a fake WAP. Even encrypted cookies can be stolen.

10. Bait and Switch: Bait and Switch hacking involves  running malicious content even though the user believes he is running something standard. Hackers create "free" content that can be downloaded and used by anyone. But then replaces the link that the victim looked at originally with a malicious link.

So thats all for now.
Follow me for more and awesome techniques and software on hacking.



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