
Showing posts from May, 2017

Wannacry Ransomware

The WannaCry ransomware attack is an ongoing worldwide cyberattack by the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm, which targets computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system by encrypting data and demanding ransom payments in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The attack started on Friday, 12 May 2017,and has been described as unprecedented in scale, infecting more than 230,000 computers in over 150 countries. Parts of Britain's National Health Service (NHS), Spain's Telefónica, FedEx and Deutsche Bahn were hit, along with many other countries and companies worldwide. WannaCry spreads across local networks and the Internet to systems that have not been updated with recent security updates, to directly infect any exposed systems. To do so it uses the EternalBlue exploit developed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), which was released by The Shadow Brokers two months before. A "critical" patch had been issued by Microsoft on 14 March 2017 to rem...

Amazing facts about these stuffs you prbably don't know

Here are the interesting facts, tips and tricks about the things you probably don't know about them. 1. How to make an essay longer : Hit CTRL+F, search "." and change the font size of the periods 12 to 14. They look the exact same, but will make your paper significantly longer. 2. How to get your word file back if you forgot to safe it: Accidentally closed your word file without saving? No auto-save either? No worry here is the solution for it. Search .asd into the file explorer under "my/this pc". The document will be there. Windows has your back. 3. How to know that pdf file you downloaded is a virus or not: If you download a "PDF" file and you see it ends in ".exe" delete it. It's a virus. 4. Downloading YouTube videos without using any software: If you want to download a YouTube video, just add "ss" to the URL between www. and YouTube. 5. Coping text form internet without formatting t...